Monday 26 January 2009

First 2009 Working Day at Shackerstone

Hello again everyone. 25th Jan saw me head back to Shackerstone for my first working visit of 2009...have been so busy so far this new year(!)...and I signed on at 10:30am. On arrival I had been greeted by some unusual sights..."Sir Gomer"s Cab and Saddle Tank were in the car park! Oh well, the work is progressing as you can see from the pictures. Basically the boiler has been stripped fully. This will then allow for it to be sent away to another railway where repairs will take place. The boiler will then be returned to Shackerstone where we can slowly build the engine back up to its usual glory....shining in her Green, Black & Yellow livery. I took the whistle valve off today...with the help of a big adjustable...but this was one of the last bits to come off the boiler, if not the last. A couple of us were busy just generally tidying up the boiler ready for its departure whilst elsewhere in the shed, other work was going on.
This work included little bits & bobs being done to "Mayflower" (LNER 1306) which can be seen behind "Sir Gomer". Further back in the shed, 2-2-0 Aveiling & Porter "The Blue Circle" is slowly being put back together during her winter maintainance project. Various parts are being repaired and repainted, with the engine returning to steam in May wearing a brand new coat of its fabulous blue & red livery. Meanwhile, outside the confines of the shed, two diesel locomotives (Class 33 "Griffon" & 04 110) were busying themselves with the P-Way coach and the Hi-Ab wagon, before dissapearing down the line to work on the track & lineside vegitation. They were down there from around 11am and didn't return into 4pm...Good work lads! At least we have protection from the elements in the shed! "Sir Gomer" will hopefully return to steam early in the new season ready to chuff down to the Battlefield with some happy passengers on board once again! Next post coming relatively soon folks!

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