Tuesday 6 April 2010

Easter at Shackerstone Post 3...A Lesson In Bunny-ing...

Hi all! Well, its Day 3 of the long Easter Weekend and, after being so tired from the day before, I decided to stay un bed until 8:15am-ish this morning. I then arose and grabbed my boilersuit before proceeding to Sign On and head to the shed. "Mayflower" was being prepared outside whilst Carl and Craig were behind the shed on the Pit, raking the grate on "The Blue Circle". I was then asked to clean the Inside Pit for George and the 1306 Team so did so gladly, seeing as I'd had a great day on the loco the day before! When this was done, I saw Danny returning 1306's lamps to their stores which, I must admit, I found strange. When I quizzed him as to why he was doing it he informed me that 1306 had failed with a steam leak. This was then made obvious when I looked towards the engine, with steam escaping on the Fireman's side. The Class 25 was quickly rostered to work the day's trains whilst the 1306 Team set to work attempting to rectify the problem. I on the other hand had been summoned by higher power's to the station where I was told that, as I had nothing else to do, I would be the "Easter Bunny" for the day. ("Oh...No!"). As nobody else was available for the costume I decided to do it and my friend, Sam, would be a large "Teddy Bear", complementing the "Teddy Bears Picnic" theme of the weekend. Slipping into the suit, I felt very silly but, as nobody could see who you were in it, it left alot of room for mischief throughout the day...especially winding-up embarrassed adults!

By the time the 3rd train (1:40pm) was being prepared to leave, 1306 had been repaired and had re-raised steam so was given the "All Clear" to perform the rest of the day's trains, of which there were 3, the loco having missed 2 already. The 25 on the other hand was put back to bed. 1306 performed faultlessly on her 3 return trips of the day with the repair being deemed a strong success. Meanwhile, after my day of "Bunny-ing" I was greatly thanked for my help and collecting my things before departing after the last train had arrived back at about 5:30pm. Thanks for the lift home Phil! It had been a good weekend all told, especially Easter Sunday on the B1. Now it was time to head home, get washed, get settled and get some sleep! Thanks all. Good Evening...

1 comment:

  1. HGi Sammy
    Great reports on your weekend. Don't like the sound of the early start.
    I bet that now you have been a bunny they have got you lined up to be one of father christmas's helpers dressed as an elf at the santa specials.
    The Graduate


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