Friday 18 June 2010

Linesiding On The Garden Railway...

Hi everyone. Many of you will know of my 00 gauge Garden Railway, the "Sutherland Steam Railway", which we built back in 2005. For a full history of the line click HERE. One of the railway's objectives in recent years has to been to provide Garden Railway video's for enthusiastic viewers on the video sharing site Youtube; allowing us to fly the flag for 00 gauge outdoor's! With our last video(s) having aired in February, I decided that it was now time to add one or two more. Therefore, combining a day off from Exam Revision with running the railway, I decided to do some filming as well. In total, I managed to compile about 16 minutes of footage, split into two sections for uploading and transmission on Youtube. The filming simply documents an average running session on the garden railway with both passenger and freight trains in action with various locomotives taking starring roles. Many new locations, found from a "00 gauge point of view", were used during this filming and this has already been commented on by regular viewers on Youtube! Below, you can see Part One of the filming. Simply click "Play" to view (for best quality, select '480P' if applicable)...

Though Part One is uses film of operations only, Part Two contains a special 'Behind the Scenes' section in the latter half! This special inclusion was done by myself, with rather amateur narration I must admit(!), to give our regular viewers on Youtube something different to see. The section talks about the operation of the railway from the Main Shed; known as the Storage Depot. (Apologies for the lack of enthusiasm in my voice; it was a long day!). Part Two can be seen below...

I very much hope you enjoy my two video's as so many people on Youtube already have done; thank you to them for their kind comments also! (Filming was done using my JVC Everio MG-630 Camcorder which I had last Christmas). Trains ran from 11:30am until 6:30pm but filming did not commence until 2:30pm-ish as the railway has to look "right" before this can begin! I was in fact very lucky with the weather and the sun, though it hid behind the odd cloud in the blue sky now and again, remained almost constant throughout the day. The railway performed very well too; no current drops, derailments or collisions; for a change! For those of you who are 'new readers' and have not seen the railway before, I hope you enjoy finding out about it through my blog. Below, Taffe Tank No6600 departs the Main Shed and crosses the South Bridge in the anti-clockwise direction, hauling a heavy freight of 19 wagons and a Brake Van...
Thank you very much for reading folks. Though the Garden Railway tends to take a sort of "back seat" to the larger railway-related items in my life, ranging from 5" gauge right up to the 'Eastern Lady' (B1 "Mayflower"), I do very much enjoy operating it and my family take a particularly strong interest; especially on sunny afternoons like this! I must extend a vote of thanks to my readers once again for their continued support; this blog not only acts as a point of interest but also as a method of memory for myself! (I would forget all the things I do otherwise!). I would of thought that more Garden Railway post's will appear through the summer as I have 3-months off before my new job at Rolls Royce comes up in September; fingers crossed! Thanks for reading folks; I hope you enjoy the videos; comments on posts are always welcome too! Evening All...

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