Monday 22 August 2011

Signalling at Shackerstone...

Hi all. Well, today was a weird one. I ended up Signalling in the box at Shackerstone. So, due to this odd turn of events, I decided to write a little post about the Signalbox which, I suppose, is generally overlooked for chat about locomotives and firing. With the first train at 11:15am, I headed up into the box half an hour beforehand in order to switch the points and allow the rostered loco (3803) to cross-over and couple up to the front of the train. Inside the old Midland Box, there is a lever frame containing 16 levers. There is also bell-communication equipment, last used when this box was linked up to the one at Market Bosworth. Above the bell boxes, there is a small diagram of the station layout, as well as where the signals are located and their numbers on the lever frame...
The 16-lever frame can be spotted below: White levers are disconnected, Red levers are Signals, Blue levers are Facing-Point Locks and the one Black lever is for the Cross-over outside the box. In an example of Signalling, if you wanted to send a train arriving from the single line section across the cross-over and into Platform 1 you would have to: Pull out No4 (FPL), Pull out No13 (Cross-over), Replace No4, Pull Out No12 (Dolly for Platform 2)...
As you can see, the Signalbox only controls one set of Points (the Cross-over). However, there is also a lock for the Ground-Frame to the shed; the FPL No11. The other points on the railway, such as those in the North End and the South Yard, are all controlled by ground levers. However, there is a Trap-Point, preventing potential run-away's from the South Yard escaping onto the main line. If you pull out No13 then the Trap-Point is released to cause derailment to any run-away rolling stock or loco. Up in the box, you must prepare the road for the train to depart. This involves checking the line is clear by attaining the Single Line Token. You then have to plug the Token into an electrical circuit box which is in turn connected to the Advanced Starter (No15). When the circuit is made complete, a light is illuminated and the user can then press the Plunger which releases the No15 lever. Pulling out No15 will set the Starter to the 'Off' position. With No15 at Clear, the departing signal for Platform 2 can be set (No16). The train will then; following a 'Right Away' from the Guard; depart the station and pass the box at 5mph or less. The Signalman will then stand on the steps at the foot of the box to pass the Token to the footplate crew before checking all doors on the train are shut. Inside the box...
Below, GWR No3803 departs Shackerstone on the 1:45pm service to Shenton. The loco is approaching the box ready to receive the Token (by D.Hanks)...
Below, Dave J has taken over from me as the 3rd run departs. The loco has received the token and is proceeding into the 10mph section on the approach to No15. After the bridge in the distance, the speed is 25mph and the train is alone in the single line section. At present, there is no further signalling as all signals at Market Bosworth have been set to the 'Off' position as the box is closed (by D.Hanks)...
After signalling the two trips (under supervision of the Operating Manager) I left Shackerstone for home, to take apart my 5" engine "Achilles", ready for repair. In all, a very sombre but interesting morning at Shackerstone. I will be back there next Monday for the Bank Holiday running, firing aboard 3803 (back to the office!). Thanks for reading folks, and thanks to Dave for sending in three of the photo's used in this post. Best regards, Sam...


  1. Hi,

    I don't suppose you know will charectors will appear at the 9-10 october thomas day. If not do you know what the email address is for the battlefeild line railway?


  2. Hi there

    The characters appearing will be Daisy, Thomas, Henry (GW 3803) and either Mavis or Diesel. Percy is also a possibility, as is Fergus. But, nevertheless, rest assured that it will be a great show as usual. The definate characters are Daisy, Thomas, Henry and one of the diesels at present.

    Hope that helps. If you need any more help email me at - I am a Battlefield Line fireman so may be able to get some gossip for you ;)

  3. How likeley is it that percy and fergus will appear ad what will mavis/diesel be doing?



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