Monday 10 October 2011

October with "Thomas" Part II...

Howdo everybody. Everybody who read yesterday's post will know most of the story behind this one! 6am this morning, I drove through the not so pearly gates and into Shackerstone. Up in the shed lay "Thomas", 3803 and "Sir Gomer". After signing on with Chris, Danny, Carl and Craig, we all proceeded to the shed and prepared our various engines. I had "Thomas", Danny had 3803 and the other three lads had "Gomer". By 7am, all three engines were lit and warming up slowly. The shed, though thick with smoke, was very atmospheric, evoking past days when much bigger examples lay cross-country with huge steam engines slumbering inside between their exhausting turns. I'd have loved to have seen that! At 7:30am, Pockets (my driver) arrived. Pockets began cleaning whilst I had to clamber underneath to oil up and then ash out. I must admit, with no pit, the Jinty is a bit of a bugga' to oil up. The eccentrics are in totally the wrong position. You sort of lie under the engine with your lags mangled in the motion whilst trying to turn your arm into a slinky with an oil can on the end! Eventually, you realise that you can just chuck oil all over the place to get it where you want and then check the level afterwards. Seeing the oil pot is not the issue; getting the oil there is! But, eventually, I got there...its all learning! By 9:30am, cleaned, oiled, ashed out and steam up, we (me, Pockets and the big FC himself) took 47298 off shed and down to the opening...
Usual format again today with hourly services from 10am until 5pm; with trains at 10am, 1pm and 5pm hauled by "Thomas", and the others hauled by 3803. All trains were top & tailed again, with a steamer and the Class 25 ("Boco"). At Shackerstone, our chunky Peckett "Sir Gomer" was in steam again, as "Percy" or just herself! She's looking well now. Wales certainly cleaned out the tubes! She has a few leaks here and there but nothing that doesn't seem to be slowly taking up. Below, "Sir Gomer" stands with the Tidmouth Milk Tanker at the water colour, with Chris on top...
On another note, we finally got the Jinty steaming well today! We found that a horse-shoe shaped mound around the back end of the firebox; so sides and rear; created the best results. The rest of the fire was kept thin but replenished little and often. As long as you kept the horse-shoe shape and filled holes on the rest of the grate, 47298 kept 150psi easily and the water level remained strong. I'll remember that! After our 1pm trip, the Fat Controller was trying to decide which would haul the brake van rides. In the end, we put "Sir Gomer" on the front and "Thomas" on the back...just to add a good bit of weight! Below, "a man and his engine". Jokes aside, I will always think of "Sir Gomer" as Pockets' engine so, here he is with her again...
A bit of overkill on the brakevan special! These two engines should be capable of hauling a 2000-ton train together so, a brake van and a tanker should be childs play!...
These drivers have all the bloody fun! Pockets at rest on the back shelf of the Jinty whilst I had a go at driving, for a change!...
The day also included much singing, waving, racing, whistling, playing games, getting wet and of course doing a few silly playlets! But, it was fun as usual. At 5pm, we steamed out of Shackerstone with the "Tea on Thomas" train. Tonight, following a request earlier, we hauled it both ways so that the 25 could have a break. This is much better for us as hauling the train only one way is just plain boring! But, half way out of Shackerstone we were given a red signal in the cutting and so came to an abrupt stop. The tail-lamp was missing! Whilst this was rectified, I had a quick minute to get a snap of "Thomas" and his unusual Royal-Train headlamp code!...
Earlier in the day, either Mr or Mrs Simmons was about taking a little clip. "Sir Gomer" races the winner ("Thomas"). You can see me hanging from the side of the 3F and doing the whistle half way through!...

Mr D Hanks was also about today doing his usual quick photography. He has sent in the following 3 images. Below, a goofy looking 3803 sits at Shenton wondering..."How did I get here?!"...
Back at Shackerstone, Dave snapped the blue tankee himself with myself, Pockets and Carl at the cab...
Further down the platform, myself and Pockets are snapped again on the 3F with Mr Conductor nearby. It was at this point Dave realised that 3803 was about to leave and he was not on her footplate...cue Dave running!...
Thanks for those 3 photo's Dave; great stuff. Always appreciated! After our successful 5pm trip, we returned the 3F to the shed after a successful weekend. "Sir Gomer" and 3803 were already simmering inside, sheltering from the rain which was beginning to fall. Soon enough, we had disposed and headed down to faithful 'Jessie' the Buffet Car for a soothing drink. What a long and tiring weekend but fun nevertheless. Thanks to Pockets and Carl for a great day today, and to everyone else involved. Next weekend? I'll be at the annual Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition on the Fosseway. Maybe see some of you there? Evening all. Regards, Sam...

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