Monday 21 November 2011

Its ALL Going On At Shackerstone!...

Hi everybody. Well, what a busy day it has been. After a phonecall last night I pulled into Shackerstone through dense fog, at around 7:30am this morning. Alot of work was planned for the day ahead and we needed to get cracking as soon as possible! The first job was to shunt the south end of the shed. This involved the 02 Diesel "Diane". After shunting some stock out of the way, we eventually managed to gain access to the south yard through the mangled but still operable point-work. With the obscuring stock shifted, we managed to get into the shed. It took us about an hour to get this far due to all the obstacles we had to move first! Once in the south end of the works, we coupled up to the spares van and little "Blue Circle". With that, out they went! After negotiating more crippled points, we hooked up the remains of under-'overhaul' RSH 0-6-0T "Richard III". With a good heave, the little 02 managed to shove "Richard" and "Blue Circle" into their new home on No2 Road: just in front of "Lamport No3". This job not only gave the RSH's frames covered space but also gave "BC" her own private repair and prep area. Next job was to put back all the obstacles. At 10am, a track gang arrived and set to taking the crossing near the Signalbox apart for some sleeper changes...good job we got done in time!! Inside the shed, the huge bulk of GW 2-8-0 No3803 stands cold. She is a bit under the weather at the mo and therefore will be sitting out of next Sunday's 'Santa Special' - a job for which we have another loco...
The 02's next job was to take the already shifted frames of 0-4-0ST "Waleswood" up into the side road on the northern edge of the shed. "Waleswood" is a Hudswell Clarke steam loco that has stood silent and still in the shed for at least the last 12-15 years, in a dismantled condition! It was sheeted up and pushed outside last year due to lack of space in the shed and now, enough is enough and she's going. Therefore, we had to use the 'Hi-ab' wagon with its hydraulic lifting arm to load the cab, saddle tank, chimney and sandboxes up onto the frames before removal by low-loader. Word on the street is she is off to Statfold for storage...
After a good few hours work, the loco is loaded and ready to leave when required. Shame really, it could be a good engine if someone had the time and money to put into it...
Down at the end of the shed, the sickening blue and yellow paintwork of "Richard III" stands out: awful! Meanwhile, in front, "Blue Circle" is tucked away before a return to steam early next year (the loco has been out of service this year for gear repairs)...
Yet another job that was on today was the checking over of the railway's operational steam loco: "Sir Gomer". She was lit up last night so that she would slowly warm up, allowing a quicker steam up today. The idea was to 'steam test' the engine checking the current condition of the still pretty new boiler repairs and also the steam heat, vacuum and steam brake. Those who read last week's post will notice that the Peckett was winterised but, following the failure of the poorly 3803, she will be taking over the role of 'Santa Engine' for next Sunday. Should be easy...only 2 trips. However, it will be the first time that "Sir Gomer" has chugged to Shenton in over 3 years and, the first time that she has gone to Shenton facing in that direction for over 6 years! I was given the job of lighting the engine and so, after all the necessary checks, I did so. The 02 was then fired up again to drag her outside, as well as to shunt her and 3803 around for next weekend. So, here she is...
No real problems. She just needs a good clean and a bit of attention to the regulator as it was passing a tiny bit. A brick arch will also be fitted very early on in 2012...
Throughout the day, the track-gang had been working hard. I took a few turns on the spade and did alot of fetching and carrying...not to mention tea making! So, all in all, a fab day. After tidying up and getting "Sir Gomer" to bed and disposed again, I left the railway at just gone 5:30pm. A great day indeed. I look forward to next Sunday when I am rostered as 3rd man on "Sir Gomer" for the day. I am then rostered on the 38 (should be repaired by next week) on Dec 3rd, 4th and 17th. Cheers everyone. Sam...


  1. Any news on what if anything has happened to "Waleswood" where is the boiler ? what a shame to see her in this sad condition Last time I saw her she was complete !!

  2. That's a real shame, I remember seeing this loco in Steamport in Southport in the Late 80's. Part of my childhood.

  3. Good to hear from you. Unfortunately I've never ever seen her complete in the flesh, let alone running!


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