Emma Raises Steam on "JHO" |
Once the two engines were ready to go, we steamed off shed. "Achilles" + driving truck was pulled onto the traverser and across onto the run-up-rail. We then descended this line a little so as to allow "JHO" to use the traverser. Soon enough, across she came, feathering at the safety valves. "JHO" was then coupled up to the rear of my driving truck before the Pea dragged "Achilles" back up the incline and onto the main. The 37 had just arrived with the ECS from the station so we shunted around and then got coupled up. The 37 headed off down to the traverser for storage. With the two engines on the head of the train, we steamed around the track to the station. "Achilles" led the way, with "JHO" as Train Engine, followed by 4 full size cars and a Guards truck at the back. The ECS was easy to pull and we were soon at the station and raring to go with our first passenger run at 1pm: right on time!
4/5 of The Way Around The Track (by E.Furminger) |
"Achilles" & "JHO" Pass By (by E.Furminger) |
Arriving Back (by E.Furminger) |
Steaming Away As Light Fades (by E.Furminger) |
Once loaded we headed home at around 4:45pm after another successful day. Thank you for reading and thanks to everyone involved on the day for making it so enjoyable. The loco will next run in early June, unless a new date crops up before: in which case it will appear on here! Cheers guys. Sam...
you're so sexy.do u have a gf?