Monday 4 February 2013

Bye, Bye Lamport?...

Hello guys. Today I was back at Shackerstone for another day working in the shed. I try to do every Sunday during the winter if I can, in an attempt to earn those brilliant summer turns on the footplate! Today there were a few little jobs going on, most involving "Sir Gomer" and "Dunlop No7". The Peckett duo have both been the subject of alot of work recently, with the latter steaming through an epic restoration project. "Sir Gomer" is gradually being brought back into serviceable condition following winter 'tweaking'. The ex-Mountain Ash beast will be strutting her stuff on the early season passenger services, no doubt showing us all what she can do. I certainly need no convincing - she is a powerful brute! In the chilly Midday air, the 0-6-0 was removed from the shed in order to make way for another Shackerstone six-wheeler: Bagnall "Lamport No3".

No3 hasn't steamed for over 10 years and has languished in and around the shed in complete condition since. Apart from the odd clean, no overhaul has ever been started on the Bagnall. As an estimation I would say that you could easily lose £75,000+ restoring this machine, simply because of the requirement of a new inner firebox. However, if you wanted to do as much of the work as possible on your own then that price could be considerably lowered. Afterall, the engine is "all there" and not in too bad a state. The bottom end is clanky and definately needs alot of work but, if you were not the "easily offended" type it would probably pull a train to the Battlefield and back quite easily in its current state. The boiler and firebox are the main issue, with worries of deterioration over the years. Today, the Bagnall was being inspected by a suspected, potential buyer. Purchase of the loco would involve restoration and, at that, you can't moan about it leaving. I would personally love to see this engine running again. Bagnall's are well respected and come with a strong pedigree. They are a much better engine than say, a Peckett or a Barclay for example. As part of her inspection today, "Lamport" was dragged into the shed by the Class 08 and pushed over the pit.
"Lamport No3" On The Old Pit Road, with the 08
Later in the day, following the inspection, we had to pull "Lamport" back out again in order to let "Sir Gomer" go back in. Driving the 08 whilst she pushed "Lamport", a 25T Brakevan and "Sir Gomer" up the incline to the shed was no mean fete! Mind you, we got there in the end...on the 3rd attempt! On my way out today I was met by Chris who gave me a good pile of the new Miniature Traction Engine Weekend leaflets. Again, I will plug my event! The event will take place at Market Bosworth Station over the weekend of April 27th/28th: 10:30am until 5pm. There will be:
  • At least 20 miniature traction engines in steam
  • Full size centrepiece Aveling Roller "Louise"
  • Musical, Pipe Organ powered by 3" Showmans
  • Table displays
  • 5" gauge Miniature Railway (small extra charge payable)
  • Refreshments
  • Indoor displays of Model Engineering and Toy Steam
  • 16mm Model Railway (Goods Shed)
  • And of course Steam Trains on the Battlefield Line
If any of my readers would like to join us for the event then please do, by all means. The event is brand new and we've never attempted something like this before. I have had alot of support from engine owners and societies to get this event off the ground and include as many exhibits as possible so now it is up to YOU to come along and see them! Below, the leaflet sorting gets under way...
Thank you for reading my first post of February 2013 guys. Maybe I'll see one or two of you at Miniature Traction Engine Weekend 2013?...I hope so! Thanks guys, Sam.


  1. hi,i can display few leafets on my portable ,might pop down too if ok

  2. Hi Sam, if you can pop over to Ryton Pools tomorrow night (Thursday 14th) at 8pm, it is the CMES Annual General Meeting. There will be lots of members there, and a great moment to hand out some of your leaflets. If you can let me have a few, I'll put them about at work.
    Kind regards,


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