Monday 4 March 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy at Shackerstone Loco...

Hello guys. The steam locomotive shed at Shackerstone was alive today, with work cracking on with both "Sir Gomer" and "Blue Circle". "Blue Circle" was in light steam, simply to test that it was OK for use at the steam gala in two weeks time. The little blue engine simmered quietly at the back of the shed, ticking over silently with hardly a breath of steam to be heard. "Sir Gomer" is coming along nicely, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the steam department, particularly the department heads who have spent alot of time in the week underneath the engine taking valve travel measurements. The measurements have revealed that the loco's reachrod was not long enough (only slightly) and so it has been adjusted accordingly. The length of the reachrod will determine the position of the die-blocks and of course, latterly, the valves and so this is very important. The extra reachrod length will give better valve positions in full forward and full reverse, and then the valves can be reset in order to provide even beats across the board. Below, welding on "Sir Gomer"s reachrod...
As well as "Sir Gomer"s reachrod, she had a few more jobs on today that myself & Eddie undertook with the help of James. The first was to refit the tool cupboard which was to be moved from the firemans side of the cab and up onto the backplate of the cab itself, allowing it to be more accessible for tooling and oiling pots. Below, Eddie drills an extra, supporting hole through the cupboard and the cab in order to put another bolt through...
Here, we see "Blue Circle" ticking over in steam at the back of the shed...
The Ruston diesel locomotive "Hercules" that came back to life a week or two ago when its engine successfully started was also being worked on today. The engine was having her remaining rods refitted ready for her first moves under her own power in a few years. The engine did move around the yard after dark, but earlier in the day we see her ticking over in the yard on the old road at the side of the Tool Stores...
As well as "Sir Gomer"s tool cupboard, we also fitted the brand new Fireman's seat that has been waiting for some time. "Sir Gomer" must be one of the few Peckett's with driver & fireman seats for relaxing between or during journeys (comfort is a virtue!). Next week its Mothers Day and so I'm banned from the sunday shed work, though I will be at the railway on Friday & Saturday, helping again with "Sir Gomer". Cheers guys - Sam.

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