Monday 17 March 2014

Quiet Day at Shackerstone...

Hi guys. Well, today it was a quiet day at Shackerstone. The sunny weather allowed us to clean the latest addition to the running fleet: 0-6-0 'P' Class No323 "Bluebell", a South East & Chatham Railway engine on loan to us courtesy of the famous Bluebell Railway. The engine is to be the star of our Steam Gala over April 11th - 13th where it will rub shoulders with much larger shed-mate GWR No3803. The pair will be joined by Aveling & Porter 2-2-0 "The Blue Circle" and another visitor (yet to be announced). The 'P' sat shining in the yard today as we all set to cleaning her vibrant brasswork. She will no doubt make an attractive addition to the gala, particularly whilst wearing her unique "Bluebell" livery. Other jobs today included jacking up "Sir Gomer" over the pit in order to 'knock off' some of the springs that remain on her chassis. The engine will hopefully be lifted within the next week. Best Regards, Sam...

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