Friday 12 September 2014

Achilles Report No61: A Revival...

Hi everyone. So, here we go then, lets recap. Last time "Achilles" featured in a report was in July and she had just been for a test run at Rugby MES following renewal of the superheater header. The test was successful mechanically but not cosmetically as the boiler cladding threw another wobbly and the paintwork reacted beyond all rational control. Since then, as in the picture above, the boiler has been lying in state in the workshop and the frames have languished covered up not too far away from it. Its been a mad summer; as regular readers will know; but I'm now getting on top of things again. This week, whilst free in the days due to being on afternoons/evenings at work, I decided to resurrect the engine. Its been a terrible season all told. We've been faced with one setback and then another with the engine and in the end I just needed some time away from it to build up the enthusiasm. So, on Monday the cladding was attacked with paint stripper. The previous paint was removed and fine sandpaper used to bring back the finish on the brass. Midday on Tuesday, the cladding was ready to paint...
So the cladding duly went through a main coat of primer, followed by two lighter coats in between 'flatting'. The flatting was done with very fine wet & dry sandpaper at around 1200 grit. The cladding then had a dust coat of blue followed by a top coat of blue on the Wednesday morning. The cladding was then left to dry over the next 24 hours...
On Thursday the household authorities went up the wall when they found the cladding being baked in the fairly new oven! This was done for around 30 minutes at probably no more than 35 or 40 degrees. I was advised that the inside of the oven should be warm but not hot to touch by hand as too much heat would blister the fresh paint. After 30 minutes of baking the cladding cooled at room temperature for 30 minutes. The paint felt a lot harder to touch than it had been without baking last time, though it did cure for around 2 weeks before...
Later, the cladding was gently refitted to the boiler with the lagging positioned underneath as before. The boiler was now 'dressed' again...
And then, as if by magic...
"Achilles" Lies In Wait
The above view was taken today before heading to Statfold, after the boiler had been refitted. I must admit that the paint finish isn't as good as the first time we did it on the cladding. However, before, time was taken and we were gentle. Three or four attempts later and the care has almost turned to pent up frustration! Don't get me wrong, the paint is more than presentable: it isn't chipped, it isn't scratched and so far the bands haven't bit into it...thank goodness. The boiler has been refitted and piped up, as well as the cab fittings. The running boards and cab/bunker have yet to be re-attached though they are in place now ready for bolting down. The steam pipe is connected up with just the blast pipe to refit and seal around. Other than that, the engine may just go! Its funny how a week of social abandonment whilst everyone else is at work can motivate you to fix something that's been broken for ages! The engine is now fairly well there and though I'm not that happy with the cladding, half of the reason behind the rushing is in case (god forbid!) something happens to it yet again! The path of my life seems to be strewn with cow-pats from the devils own satanic heard at the moment where the loco is concerned so fingers crossed for some luck at last. I do still admit though, she looks pretty well brilliant when she's clean and tidy now. It was all worth it...if it goes! Will she work? We'll see, but probably not. All the best Sam...

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