Monday 2 February 2015

Shed Sunday at Shackerstone...

Hi everyone. Today was another Shed Sunday at Shackerstone. I arrived on this chilly morning at 11am and snapped some very uncaring sheep near the railway gates...
Down in the shed myself & Jason would be continuing to work on GWR 2-8-0 No3803. Behind 3803 currently stands "Sir Gomer" and, behind her, the Class 02 shunter. The Class 02, D2867 "Diane", a Yorkshire Engine Company product of 1961, is now nearing the end of its brief winter overhaul. The engine and gearbox has been serviced and the whole thing rewired. Richard was captured just putting the finishing touches to her refurbished electric lights...
I left the railway at around 4:30pm today for home. It was very chilly indeed and it sounds like there's more of a cold snap to come. I always enjoy winter right up until New Year and then after that these dark dreary months just drag on. Oh well, at least we're now half way through our 2-month closed season and trains will soon return to the Battle of Bosworth fields. You may well ask "Why No Pictures of 3803" - well, there will be, soon. All the best, Sam...

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