Monday 27 April 2015

MTEW Sunday 2015...

(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
Well, day four for me, day two for the event! I arrived at the site at around 7:45am this morning ready to start the days proceedings. Today would be another show day for MTEW 2015, starting at 10am. Not long after my arrival, the site was filled with smoke as the many engines raised steam. This is one of the most enjoyable parts of the event for me, watching Market Bosworth become a cathedral of steam with engines coming around all over the place. Here is a quick snap on the back field with 8 engines in view and steaming up...
The Sunday, historically, is an easier day for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still rushing around everywhere and talking until my throat is sore, but its generally the day that I can enjoy more than the others. Despite the horrific weather forecast at the start of the week, the sun shone again and the sky was clear blue for most of the day. The ice cream van even came back, showing just how warm it was...we were so lucky! The engines steamed around the site at will and up into the village at their leisure as per. 1:30pm soon came around and it was time to start organising the line-up. Today I was determined to get them in the right place and order. The shot below shows half of the line-up in the grand circle arrangement...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
We managed to get them all together today and the public seemed to really enjoy photographing them all bunched up side by side. We did our usual big whistle (which was completely ear splitting!) at just before 2pm as usual and the 25 soon disappeared into the distance. At that point Phil, one of the engine owners, stood in the centre of the circle and beckoned me over as if trying to tell me of a problem. When I got to him he grabbed my arm, raised his other hand and a second massive whistle up ensued as well as cheers and applause. I was so overwhelmed. The exhibitors later explained that they wanted to show how much they appreciated my efforts for a great weekend: I was overcome. There is so much work behind the scenes over a 12-month period to organise this show and it is such an amazing feeling when people come from all over the country and actually enjoy their weekend. Nothing beats it...absolutely fantastic...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
After the line up the engines began to mill around again for the rest of the afternoon...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
Mr Brett was working away sawing logs using his 4" Rack Saw throughout the weekend...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
Old meets new here, with 6" Burrell GMT "Cranleigh Belle" getting overtaken coming down Station Road...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
Another lovely capture of Lionel's 4" Foster "Safaniya" simmering away...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
Trevor Ives' 6" Burrell Agricultural engine "Dode", another first time visitor in 2015...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
A final line up picture, showing 7 of the well over 45 miniatures in steam today...
(Birmingham Phil - Flickr)
As the day drew to a close, engines were bedding down and I was rushing around paying expenses and saying my many thank you's: the job never stops! Slowly but surely, one by one, the engines began to leave after a very busy, enjoyable but whole heartedly tiring weekend. I cannot thank the exhibitors enough, or any of my crack team that helped in any way over the weekend. I must also thank all of our visitors as, despite the tired looking loco at the head of the train, we still made a good profit, regardless of the bad forecast that was aired at the start of the week. The last few engines would leave early tomorrow morning but as I left the site at 9pm, the place was looking pretty much empty. Its amazing how 12 months work comes and goes over 4 very busy days but what a weekend. I hope you've enjoyed reading the posts about MTEW 2015 and I must thank my two photographers: Malcolm Ranieri & Birmingham Phil (Flickr): for sending in images for use. Thank you all, that's it, done, MTEW 2015. Cheers all, Sam...

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