Sunday 22 October 2017

Little Engines Update...

Just to ensure that at least one post in 2017 talked about my own steam engines I thought it would be nice to write a small update on "Achilles" and 4436. Long term readers will know that I have two coal-fired miniature locomotives: a 5" tank engine and a 3.5" gauge LBSC Maisie. The blue tank engine is an Achilles 0-6-0 and is named after her design whilst the Maisie portrays LBSC's take on the Great Northern large boiler Atlantic. 4436 was one of the class that remained unmodified in GNR form throughout its career and so the LNER livery befits this number. So, where have they been? Well, a combination of being far too busy and being far too busy has resulted in them sitting patiently on the bench since summer last year. "Achilles" did venture to Ryton Pools for CMES' July steam day last year but hasn't turned a wheel since...
Both engines are currently out of ticket and I guess it is now a mixture of sheer laziness and the colder weather which has stopped me taking them for tests. The Atlantic - being easier to handle than the larger tank engine - was going out a little more often but even she hasn't steamed since September 2016...
Her last run was one of those oh so familiar Third Wednesday steaming nights which only seem to see me turning up whenever I take an engine...
Following her previous run, the Maisie did end up going to the Midlands show last year to take part in the 2016 stand line-up for CMES. This was of course after a thorough clean up and polish as I hate them going anywhere if they're not shining...
There we go then folks; a small update just to show that I still have the engines and they're just patiently waiting for their next outings. Hopefully they'll see more use (some at all would be nice) in 2018. In recent times they've both turned out to be free steaming and reliable engines which are great fun to operate on the track...I just need to get myself into gear! Cheers all, Sam...

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