Sunday 24 February 2019

Statfold Cleaning Day...

Hi all. Today, in clement February sunshine, a group of hardy volunteers descended on Statfold for the annual Cleaning Day. I arrived at around 09:00 and, having parked the car, I wandered into the Roundhouse where some of the lads were gathering their cleaning materials. I soon found my way to my Statfold favourite: the beautiful Bagnall "Isibutu". Armed with rags and polish, I started on the top of the engine and worked my way down. All around, the various other members of the SBR fleet were being buffed up to within an inch of their lives. The cleaning of a steam engine is rather therapeutic, particularly when you look back upon the results of your efforts. The cleaning day provides a very much welcome break from the Winter blues. The well known debilitating illness 'Cold Firebox Syndrome' is very much in evidence in the closed season and I discussed the awful symptoms today with my fellow sufferers. 'CFS' has become a very real issue during the steamless months of January and February but we are doing all we can to raise awareness! After a couple of hours, "Isibutu" was shining beautifully alongside the much younger "Trangkil No4"...
After a spot of lunch, the early part of the afternoon was spent making the finishing touches to the now immaculate steeds. The operational members of the fleet will soon be steamed for their annual steam tests, with their first public appearance scheduled for March 23rd at the annual Spring Enthusiasts Day. I'm sure that many of us: including myself: will be glad to feel the touch of the regulator that day! On an entirely separate note, this week heralded the arrival of the new leaflets for the upcoming Giant Miniature Weekend. I guess it's time to get distributing...
If you're thinking about visiting GMW at all then take it from me that this year will be the biggest yet. We have so much on offer and steam engines of all shapes & sizes will be attending. Don't miss it. After a very pleasant day at the annual Cleaning Day, I headed for home at around 15:30. I can't wait for my next SBR driving turn!...


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