Sunday 5 December 2021

Statfold: A Festive Peckett On "The Santa Express"...

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". Following on from last Sunday's enjoyable morning turn on the 'Santa Express' at Statfold, today we were in for the same again but on the afternoon shift. My charge for the turn was not the big red engine on this occasion but the chunky and trusty Peckett "Harrogate" (No2050 of 1944). The afternoon turns involve a very pleasant sign on time of 13:00, with a view to taking the engine over at around 13:50, just in time for the 14:00 departure. Mileage on both turns is the same (eight trips from Strawberry Park to Cogan Halt and back) with the added preparation or disposal, depending on which shift you get! I arrived at the SBR in good time for my 13:00 sign on and found my Fireman: Jon: in the mess room with "Fiji"s afternoon crew: Phil and Caroline. The train: top and tailed with the two engines: could be heard steaming up and down outside the workshop door whilst we chatted over a hot cuppa. As crew change time neared, we grabbed our bags and wandered down to Oak Tree where the returning 13:30 train was waiting to depart...
When departure time came myself and Jon joined the first empty coach behind the Peckett and rode the short distance back to Strawberry Park before taking over the engine. Steve: driver for the morning turn: gave me the lowdown on No2050 as we changed over and no problems were reported. Once aboard the engine we made our usual checks (the water, the steam, the fire etc) before I stepped off to grab the token from Phil ready for departure. As per Statfold rules, the rearmost engine carries the train staff at all times. There was just enough time to grab a brew from our recently installed tea cans on the warming tray before we set off in reverse behind "Fiji"...
The weather this afternoon was breezy with a hint of damp whilst the evening forecast promised persistent drizzle. As usual, I gave "Harrogate" a breath of steam to hold her weight as we made our way around the railway. Once stopped safely at Oak Tree, I took my first opportunity to go around with the oil can. Everything seemed shipshape and Bristol fashion, if you'll pardon the Peckett pun...
Leaving Oak Tree right on time, "Fiji" hauled us neatly into Strawberry Park where another train load of excited passengers awaited us. Jon climbed down to deliver the train staff to Phil whilst I took a few snaps before we left on the 14:30...
With passengers boarded, "Harrogate" awaits departure time...
With a "Right Away" from our Guard I opened the regulator and the Peckett hissed into life. Expelling condensate from her large cylinders she barked out of Strawberry Park and towards Oak Tree, with the five coaches and "Fiji" following neatly behind her. The engine was her usual sure-footed self as we climbed around the balloon loop before settling down for the gradually quickening trundle back to Oak Tree via the short but sharp bank. I like to keep power on from the balloon loop to the shut off point at Oak Tree, adjusting regulator and cut-off where necessary to avoid constantly shutting and reopening the regulator. Despite hitting the bank at a fair trot (but below permitted line speed) you can crawl over the top and the bank will slow you without needing the brake once you've shut off steam. You can then gently steam into Oak Tree. Passengers set down, we steam back to Strawberry Park with the ECS before repeating the process. Here, No2050 waits with the 15:30 departure...
Same spot, different engine: "Fiji" prepares for the 16:00 departure...
Jon and I swapped sides of the cab for the 16:30 trip. By now the last of the days light was failing and "Harrogate" was illuminated by the fairy lights and one of her paraffin headlamps (fitted to the top bracket to denote a stopping service)...
Thankfully I didn't end up down the nick for steam or water and we arrived safely back at Oak Tree for our 10-minute or so layover. Our pre-ordered food duly arrived at the cab and was gratefully received. A hot turkey baguette with roast potatoes and cranberry sauce was just what the doctor ordered...
Once we had the road, Jon took us gently out of Oak Tree for another dramatic arrival into Strawberry Park in readiness for the 17:00 trip. It must look quite impressive from the platform as we pull around the corner with the illuminated coaches! Half an hour later, "Harrogate" is pictured on the tail of the train at Oak Tree again during a final oil up and check over. She looked quite festive I'll admit...
Our final passenger departure was the 17:30 ex-Strawberry Park. By now it was very dark and I had to rely on both route knowledge (not so hard on a short railway) and the sound of the engine to judge location and speed. With "Fiji" providing a breath of steam on the tail, the run provided no issues at all despite the arrival of the pesky drizzle. Having set down our final passengers at Oak Tree we were surprised to be asked to take one final trip to the balloon loop only for a late family who had missed their train ride due to Sat Nav issues (not uncommon around these parts!). Phil and "Fiji" led us back to the balloon loop before "Harrogate" worked the train back to Oak Tree again: all part of our customer service! Job done, I took the engine and train back to Strawberry Park where we arrived in readiness for disposal...
The lights were soon switched off (not a disappointment for me!) and the engine uncoupled. Once Jon was clear I pulled the engine forward from the loop towards Statfold and the road was reset behind us. We then drifted back into the passing road whilst "Fiji" cleared the way. The tender engine goes on shed first, followed by the Peckett. With the Hudswell Clarke stabled outside the roundhouse, we were called on with "Harrogate". The trick here is to get the regulator to seat correctly, using the same method as you would with say a 5700 Pannier tank. A good breath of steam (so you know you'll get to where you want to) is followed by a firm close of the regulator and a refusal to reopen it. You need to clear the steam circuit. If you stop with the system full of steam then the regulator won't seat properly and it will pass. With regulator closed, "Harrogate" settles down for the night on the shed road...
As per usual, despite coming on shed after Phil, we were disposed well before him as he was chatting away! A final snap of "Fiji" here after a great afternoon...
After a very pleasant eight and a bit trips around the railway it was time to wash up, fill in the paperwork and sign out before heading for home. I must thank Jon for his firing efforts, Phil & Caroline for their company and banter and of course Alex for rostering me. That's another two very enjoyable Santa turns completed at Statfold: thank you. Finally, of course, Seasons greetings one and all...

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