Sunday 23 January 2022

Going Great Central: Day 14...

Good evening all. This morning I was up before the dawn chorus once again, preparing to head over to the Great Central Railway at Loughborough for another cleaning turn. I arrived a little before 07:00 and immediately set to work (in darkness) cleaning the wheels and rods of the only rostered locomotive: 8F No48305. As first light arrived, I was put on pumping duties with the cumbersome lubrication pump used to fill the axlebox keeps. Meanwhile, another cleaner had given the barrel a good wipe down and by the time her fairly early off shed time of 09:00 arrived, the 8F was looking very smart. She is a handsome machine that simply oozes brute strength...
Behind 48305, cold and silent, stood Battle of Britain Class "257 Squadron" from the Swanage Railway. The Bulleid is one of two visitors that have arrived for next weekends ever popular Winter Gala. It was nice to see a Spam Can again...
Having waved the 8F off for her first train of the day, we busied ourselves with the traditional ash pit emptying session. I later completed my GCR PTS course which gives me another accomplishment for my file. Thanks for reading all...
Please note any views or opinions expressed in this blog are merely personal and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person, group or organisation.


  1. Hi Sam
    Great to see you moving over to the GC. I've not visited, though have booked on a Fish and Chip train in May. Thanks for continuing to post. Cheers, Phil

  2. Hi Phil. So great to hear someone is still reading this! These days, with not so wonderous quantities of time on my hands, it's hard enough to do the days that create the content...let alone write it! Thanks for the continued interest and support. I'll try to keep going! Take care. Maybe see you around one day! Cheers, Sam


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