Thursday 2 June 2022

A Platinum Jubilee 9F...

A few extra days off work this weekend thanks to the Platinum Jubilee was just what the doctor ordered, especially with the Met Office promising good weather. I didn't waste my extra Thursday off and headed over to the Great Central for another cleaning turn. Arriving a little before 06:00, I found BR Standard 5 No73156 resting on No1 road in the morning sun. It's so much more pleasant starting early in the summer...
It wasn't long before I was invited out for the shift with driver Ian and fireman Jack aboard 9F No92214. After less than a second of thinking about the offer, I gratefully accepted. I had really enjoyed my turn on the Riddles bohemeth on New Years Day and so was really up for a second go. Whilst Ian and Jack prepared the engine, I set to with the cleaning gear and prepared to give the boiler barrel a wash...
The engine was rostered on two trips this morning before crew change, sharing services with not only 73156 but also a couple of diesel locomotives. Here, 92214 takes coal from the loader. The tender was soon topped up...
After leaving shed we took water at the column before slipping a coach from the set. Shunting complete, 92214 was backed down onto the waiting coaches in readiness for an 09:30 departure. Jack had decorated the engine with flags and a '70' head code. It's a very impressive beast this one, even against a platform...
Jack suggested he fired the first trip and me the second, which I gratefully accepted as this turn was really a bonus one for me! Right on time, we departed from Loughborough and 92214 was soon romping towards Quorn on the double track. The weather was gorgeous as we rumbled southward on the up line...
After a very pleasant first trip during which we thankfully managed to keep to time despite the lengthy 5mph TSR at Quorn, the 9F came to rest again at Loughborough. The cab is pictured here as we sit at the water tower awaiting the road to the down goods. It was certainly warm on the old 9F today...
As planned, Jack handed over the firing duties to me for the second trip. Due to the trains being mixed traction hauled today, the next working of our stock left behind a diesel. We would take over the next arriving train for our second departure...
92214 sits quietly in the down goods whilst awaiting her next move...
I was happy with my trip firing 92214. I managed to keep her quiet most of the way and the water level stayed strong. The hardest part with this engine is keeping the grate covered to keep everything warm whilst avoiding blowing off, particularly with the recent coals which have both been really good (in my humble opinion anyway). Jack snapped me firing 92214 along the Quorn straight towards Kinchley Lane...
"Firing 92214" (J.Shaw)
Soon enough, after a pleasant second trip, it was time to hand over...
I must thank Ian and Jack for their very kind offer of inviting me along with them today and for the chance to fire the mighty 9F again. I had a great morning. Sometimes the best turns are the unexpected ones! Cheers all, Sam...
Please note any views or opinions expressed in this blog are merely personal and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person, group or organisation.

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