Sunday 24 July 2022

A Battery Box Sunday...

After a wonderful outing to Carters Steam Fair yesterday, today involved something a little more sedate. This afternoon heralded the first of two 2022 crew turns for myself at Coventry Model Engineering Society's Ryton Pools track for public running sessions. I arrived at around 12:00 and found member in charge Stuart opening up the clubhouse. Soon enough, the rest of the crew arrived and by 12:30 we were up at the track marshalling the two trains that would provide the 1pm - 4pm service. In days gone by it was an all steam affair at Ryton, occasionally substituted by the trusty petrol hydraulic "Alacrity". However, these days the roost is ruled by three battery electric locomotives which share passenger hauling duties. All three are dressed up quite nicely, imitating a 31, 37 and 47 respectively. In reality of course they are banks of batteries and motors under a plastic body. You may detect from my words that I am not a fan of these things: they have no heart, you can't talk to them. What they lack in character though they more than make up for in usability. Switch it on and off it goes...
Today the 37 and 47 wannabes were in action and provided our steady flow of passengers with faultless service under the sunny skies. I myself undertook all manner of duties today from guarding to queue line to ticket office and of course, some driving. Driving isn't half as much fun without a boiler to attend to, that's for sure! All in all it was a stress free and pleasant afternoon with just over 200 passengers carried across the session. Not bad for a July Sunday. Cheers all, Sam...

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