Sunday 18 December 2022

Statfold: A Peckett Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas...

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". Evening all. This afternoon I was rostered to drive the lovely 1944-built Peckett "Harrogate" at the Statfold Barn Railway. Our requested sign on time was 13:00 (ready to take over the engine just under an hour later) and so I had a leisurely drive along the A444 in the blustery winter weather to reach Statfold just after lunch. Having grabbed my kit from the car, I made my way towards the mess room in the roundhouse. On my way through the main museum it was nice to see the various locomotives of the collection resting quietly around the turntable amidst the festive decorations. These probably won't see steam again until Spring...
Upon arrival at the mess room I met up with Alex and Phil before signing in and reading the notices. My fireman Josh and the crew for "Fiji" duly arrived and we then all enjoyed a cuppa' whilst giving out the usual banter. As changeover time neared, we changed into our smarts and made our way out to the Strawberry Park platform. Driver Ben handed "Harrogate" over to me and reported that all was well before we set sail on the tail of "Fiji" for the next train. "Harrogate" is pictured here as I check her over at the Oak Tree crossing whilst on the rear of our first train...
The weather was a mixture of dark cloud and drizzle, with a good sharp crosswind biting its way through the cab from across the fields. Even in a well enclosed cab like "Harrogate"s it was still quite bitter at times. This I guess is the joy of the bleak midwinter! Luckily we had a good fire going and I had my trusty billy can on the tea tray to keep me going. We certainly needed hot tea today!...
Once "Fiji" had hauled us back into Strawberry Park it was time for us to take over and lead the next trip, once we'd swapped our lamps and exchanged the staff...
Despite my love for the Statfold-based Bagnalls, I really do like the Peckett "Harrogate". The rivet counters will no doubt comment on the missing original cab (it used to have a very cut down version for working through the restrictive gas works tunnels at Harrogate) but I do believe that everything done to this engine during its preservation life has been very sympathetic. The cab fittings in particular are some of the nicest I've seen on a Peckett and the thing has been kept as close to as built as possible. The only one that I've seen that is as nice is the pampered pet Peckett of Tyseley: No2004 of 1941...she's a real sweetheart that one. Both examples are a far cry from poor old former friend "Sir Gomer" which rests neglected, rusty and unloved not far from here, but that's another story. Here, "Harrogate" simmers quietly at Oak Tree as we await our next ECS move to Strawberry Park to pick up more passengers...
As usual, lovingly restored "Harrogate" was performing very well and there were no real faults to speak of. She always pulls well, steams well and stops well which is all you can really ask. In recent years I feel like she's been at the top of her game and I always have a pleasant turn on her. The only thing we were missing today were her lovely Peckett lamps which had been replaced by a BR (M) and a BR (E), allowing us to display a red aspect when on the rear of the train...
I drove the first two trips and swapped with fireman Josh for the next two. We were joined on the footplate for most of the shift by the 'Inspectorate', otherwise known as Mr Phil Bates who offered a constant stream of comical but constructive criticism of our efforts! Here, "Harrogate" prepares to depart Strawberry Park...
By the time we reached Oak Tree with the 16:05 ex-Strawberry Park train, the light was fading well. The lighting around the engines and coaches were all that illuminated the darkening landscape before us as we prepared for departure...
On our fourth leading working we were treated to our evening snap during the brief Oak Tree layover. I'd opted for the festive roll which included turkey and cranberry sauce, roast potatoes and gravy and some pigs in blankets. On this cold, damp evening, this was just what the doctor ordered I can tell you!...
Here, "Harrogate" tails "Fiji"s last leading departure as we prepare for our last train of the evening. I was just giving her a final check around...
Our last train of the night was very enjoyable and quite spirited. By now I was back on the handle and enjoyed the final romp up to Oak Tree with another heavy train. Once the passengers had alighted at Oak Tree for their Santa experience, the lights were turned off and we returned the train to Strawberry Park as ECS for stabling. "Fiji" was released from the rear of the stock and proceeded onto the shed whilst we were sent back to the balloon loop light engine to switch off the lighting there and lock up the gates upon our return. Here, the Peckett waits on the bank at Oak Tree whilst we lock the field gates. A bit of a blurry one, but atmospheric...
After a final trundle back through the empty platform at Oak Tree, we returned "Harrogate" back to the shed road and began our disposal...
"Fiji" and "Harrogate" will be in service on 'Santa Express' workings throughout this week on the run up to Christmas, with the final trains operating on the 23rd. Both have had a reliable and hard working season once again and have no doubt delighted several thousands of happy passengers. I must thank Josh for his firing efforts this afternoon and Alex for rostering me for both turns at the SBR this December: both outings were most enjoyable. That's it for me this Christmas folks. Thanks for reading and, of course, Merry Christmas one and all...

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