Sunday 4 December 2022

Statfold's Santa Express 2022: "Fiji" at Christmas...

"Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even" and so on and so forth! Here we are again: it's Christmas! Today I was booked to crew 1912-built Hudswell Clarke "Fiji" on a morning turn at the Statfold Barn Railway with good friend JB. It had been some years since myself and John had been on a footplate together and so today provided a good excuse for us to combine our efforts again. We arrived in the usual convoy at the Statfold gates a little before 06:30, ready to be let in. After signing in and reading the notices, I wandered out onto the apron at the back of the roundhouse...
"Fiji" was resting warmly outside the roundhouse doors, with our tail engine for the shift (Peckett "Harrogate") stabled just behind her. Both engines were still nice and hot from last nights efforts and wouldn't take much bringing around this morning, despite the almost frosty conditions. Having checked the firebox and smokebox, I confirmed the water level of half a glass in the boiler. It was then time to gently rake through the remains of yesterdays fire. Statfold still burns the very smoky Shotton coal which is fabulous in every regard except for the smoke. It lights well, burns well, gives good heat, rarely clinkers and provides little ash and this latter trait makes clearing the grate very easy. Grate cleaned, I grabbed some wood before lighting some pre-soaked rags on the shovel to start the embryo fire. Here we go...
Despite the cold morning "Fiji" started singing almost immediately as the wood fire began to take hold. The huge balloon stack (designed to reduce sparks) was soon emitting a reassuring plume of smoke steadily skyward...
Whilst I prepared the fire, John was making his way around the 0-6-0 tender engine with the oil cans. As usual on a cold morning like this, the oil was a little reluctant to flow! As steam pressure gently rose, we completed our morning prep by ashing out and giving the engine a good clean. As we left shed, we were grateful for the Great Western-style weather sheet (or tarpaulin) that had been fitted to the tender. This would provide a welcome relief from the sharp winds that cut across the Statfold fields...
Washed and changed, we dropped "Fiji" back onto the waiting five-coach train and waited for the lights to be hooked up. "Harrogate" was already in place on the rear of our first departure. This move would be an ECS job, running via Cogan Halt to Oak Tree to then hide away prior to the first 'big entrance' of the day...
It was a changeable morning weather-wise. A cold but clear start had opened up into a cloudy and drizzly couple of hours which would later dry up. The wind however was pretty constant and so, to prevent any soot in the cab, I decided to make up the fire well up the door so that the larger fire could be managed with less need to open the door. Here, "Fiji" prepares to depart Strawberry Park with the ECS...
The format for the Santa Express in 2022 is much the same as last year. All trains depart from Strawberry Park and passengers then alight at Oak Tree for their Santa experience once the train has run via Cogan Halt. The train then returns to Strawberry Park as ECS and makes the 'big entrance' into the platform to collect the next load of passengers. The timetable this year sees departures at 25-minute intervals which certainly keeps you moving! As usual, all trains are top and tailed by two steam locomotives, with "Fiji" and "Harrogate" being the main choice.

After running to Oak Tree with the ECS, we topped up our tender with water before waiting time on departure to collect our first passengers. We took the opportunity for a quick crew snap as who knows when these pairings will happen again? My last official turn with John was June 17th 2018, according to the blog records. That was a much warmer day aboard GWR 4575-Class No5542, not far from here on the withered arm. I've known JB for many a year, mainly due to his long association with a railway a few of us used to frequent. A craftsman of 16mm coal fired steamers, John (at the sprightly age of 78) still drives at Statfold but has retired from the big stuff. He's a good friend and a great laugh, often demonstrating his ready wit and cracking one liners...
From 78 and 30 above to 68 and 20 below. Here we are aboard something a little bigger than "Fiji". Yes, it's 1937-built LMS Black Five No45379 which we had on loan for a steam gala back at the old place a decade ago. Look how much thinner I am! Funny how time passes. But, despite everything, you have to remember the good times. Back then crewing a main liner was a rare treat, thankfully not so rare these days...
"John and Sam Aboard 45379" (Pic - D.Hanks)
No doubt dreaming of his glory days driving "Kolhapur", John takes "Fiji" along the bottom straight towards Cogan Halt with another Santa Express...
My forward view from the fireman's seat aboard "Fiji"...
The headlamp on "Fiji" is often used at night or in poor weather like this mornings drizzle. It adds further atmosphere to the already twinkling lights of the train. It too is steam powered, with electricity generated from a steam generator mounted on the fireman's side. I do like "Fiji" and her interesting looks...
Throughout the morning my wedge continued to burn through and I added to it as and when required. Steam and water levels remained strong throughout the morning and we had no trouble with irritating blowing off. With the regulator open the smoke would clear to a light grey haze which is just what you want...
On an early afternoon departure, "Fiji" steadily leaves Strawberry Park...
Our crew change to the afternoon crew was due at 13:55 and for our final trip with "Fiji" she was on the tail of the train. This gave me a chance to make sure everything was shipshape ready for the next crew. At Oak Tree we gave the engine another splash of oil and slacked the cab floor down to tidy the place up...
And there we go, job done! We handed over a free steaming "Fiji" to Nigel & Joey at Strawberry Park ready for the afternoon/evening session...
I have one more Statfold Santa Express turn for 2022: Sunday 18th December on the PM shift with "Harrogate". John however is done for the year and I must thank him for a pleasant and comical morning aboard the Hudswell Clarke. It's always nice to spend a shift with your mate! Thanks to Alex for rostering us and thank you all for reading. Finally, of course, Merry Christmas to all...

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