Saturday 7 January 2023

GCR: First Railway Day of 2023...

And just like that, we've completed week one of 2023! Welcome back folks to post No1 of 2023 which, unsurprisingly, found me at Loughborough shed on the Great Central Railway doing some cleaning work. I arrived at around 07:00 this morning and met up with Batesy for a few hours of chat and polishing. The weather however was vile: a below average January day. Whilst we scrubbed the wheels of the service locomotive (78018) the wind was howling and the rain was pouring down. It was definitely one of those mornings where you wished you'd stayed in bed. It was awful to be honest. But, nobody could knock us...we were there doing a bit! Later on, after a cuppa' to warm us back up, we set to aboard 78018s sister engine 78019. The other Standard 2 wasn't out today and sat drenched on No2 road at the shed as the rain continued to fall. Myself and Phil decided to clean up the cab and spent the next few hours cleaning and nattering. By the time home time came around, the sun had appeared and was shining, although it was still bitterly cold. At least the rain stopped...
After signing off, we returned to our cars and headed for home. It was nice to spend a few hours talking rubbish with a mate whilst cleaning the engine up. That's a good start to 2023, although a very cold one! Cheers all, Sam...
Please note any views or opinions expressed in this blog are merely personal and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person, group or organisation.

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