Saturday 18 March 2023

Statfold: An Avonside Amble...

"Avonside Twins" (Pic - R.Berry of Flickr)
I've always said that there are three factors which come together to make a perfect day on the footplate: a good crew, a good engine and good weather. Today we had two of those and, as they say, "two out of three ain't bad". This wet and dreary Saturday saw the Statfold Barn Railway host its first enthusiasts day of the 2023 season and a total of sixteen locomotives were steamed for the occasion. When the roster came out last week I wasn't disappointed to see my name penned to 0-4-0 Avonside "Marchlyn", which myself and Eddie took out last September. Joining me on the footplate today would be fireman Josh and I had no doubts we'd have a good laugh after a great Santa turn last Christmas with "Harrogate". 2067 would, for the outing, be coupled to identical twin sister 2066 "Ogwen" and this would prove to be great fun as the Penrhyn pair both look and sound fantastic together. I arrived at a very damp SBR base a little before the 06:30 book on time and immediately signed in and read the notices. The atmosphere on shed was calm for now as a plethora of engines stood eerily silent...
I wandered around the shed for a moment looking for the Avonsides but soon realised that they may be down at Statfold's 2B shed, otherwise known as 'the little engine shed in the woods'. It is in fact a carriage shed accessed from the headshunt but is ideal for preparing the smaller engines on busy events. Down in the trees, there they were. A telltale crackling from "Marchlyn" told of an already burning wood fire...
I duly met up with fireman Josh and we set to work cleaning the engine under threatening skies. It wasn't raining yet but it was very damp in the air. I opted to clamber atop the tanks to clean the brasses before the heavens opened. In front of us, sister "Ogwen" stood warm but silent as she awaited her crew...
With the displacement lubricator, window frames and whistle buffed up to a mirror shine, I soon had to abandon my post as the rain came pouring down. We thought it would blow over, but it didn't. I therefore decided to start oiling round whilst Josh continued cleaning in the cab as steam pressure slowly rose. With everything oiled, I wandered back to my car to get changed before the 08:30 safety briefing (and all important bacon roll) on the lawn. Bacon roll devoured, it was time to man the engines and draw them steadily forward into public view for the punters...
We screwed the 1933-built pair down at this point as we thought we'd be anchored off here for quite a while awaiting a path but to our surprise we were soon called out by the signalman. Once in the headshunt we were under the control of the signals and it wasn't long before we were summoned to couple onto the next departing train in platform two. As you can see, by now the rain had truly set in for the morning...
Our first train departed a little after 10:00 and we were soon steaming towards Oak Tree and, ultimately, Cogan Halt. "Ogwen" led her consecutively numbered sister around the railway, with "Marchlyn" providing assistance where necessary. In truth, either of these two could handle the train on their own but they do look nice together. Loco owner Martyn was firing "Ogwen" today whilst at the regulator was Ben who was completing his passed fireman's assessment. Here, the engines wait at the balloon loop...
Once back at Statfold we were turned on the table to keep "Ogwen" in the lead. With the pair running cab to chimney it isn't that pleasant for the leading crew when in reverse so we opted to stay chimney first at all times. In this weather, I didn't relish going backwards much either! Our second train at around 11:20 was a freight and my god was it wet by this point. You can see the rain bouncing off the cab roof!...
I don't mind a little bit of rain but the trouble is that if you get wet on a steam engine it soon feels like you're in a giant egg poacher as your overalls just steam all day long! I'm no fair weather engineman but I do prefer it I must admit. After our trip on the freight we turned again before drifting down to the headshunt for another layover. Josh left us for a while to fire "Roger" the Wren on its debut SBR working on the low level. Usually "Roger" is confined to garden duties only but was out on day release...
For the next two trips Josh took over "Marchlyn"s regulator whilst I did a spot of firing. Here, a very wet "Ogwen" is still leading us as we wait at Oak Tree for our next path. The liquid sunshine was, if nothing else, very persistent today...
A rushed snap here of (in my opinion) the two stars of the fleet: Bagnalls "Isaac" and "Isibutu": departing Statfold Junction on a passenger working...
By mid-afternoon the rain had subsided slightly and we did encounter one or two brief moments of blue sky. Here, from the fireman's side of "Marchlyn", we see the road ahead having just descended the main bank...
For our fifth and final round trip I was back on the regulator again and we had a lovely little run. Once back at Statfold we were split from "Ogwen" and sent light engine to Oak Tree where "Marchlyn" is seen awaiting a green flag from the Oak Tree signaller in order to access the platform. (Without the flag you can't proceed past the stop board on the station approach). We were here to collect "Liassic"...
Once in the platform at Oak Tree we waited whilst "Liassic" was dropped on top of us and coupled on. The two engines then returned to Statfold on the final token run. Here they are on the shed as we start disposal proceedings...
As she was booked to steam the following day for Mothering Sunday services, "Marchlyn" had to be on the top of the pile, hence our final little outing. By now the time was knocking on for 17:30 and I think we were all just about cream crackered. It had been a lovely day (as always) but doing it in the rain always seems to tire you out that little bit does for me anyway. With the engine safely disposed (in a sun shower) it was time to fill in her report card, get washed up and sign out. I must thank Ben, Josh and Martyn for their enjoyable company today and of course Alex for rostering me again. It's always nice to be out with "Marchlyn". As for the weather, well, as dear old Meat Loaf sang, "two out of three ain't bad". Cheers all, Sam...

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