Saturday 12 August 2023

Going Great Central: Firing Turn No4 On 73156...

Evening all. Today I was rostered to fire once again at the Great Central Railway, working turn A22 with driver John Neal. This would be my fourth official turn since passing out in May. I arrived just before my book on time of 12:30 and immediately snapped Modified Hall No6990 "Witherslack Hall" as she peered out from the open locomotive shed. The Hall is nearing completion of a repair and retube and she is now enjoying a repaint. I believe that the 4-6-0 passed her steam exam with the boiler inspector this week and she is now rostered for service on the upcoming Railways at Work event next weekend. I'll be glad to see her back out...
Myself and driver John were rostered aboard the lovely Standard 5 (No73156 of 1956) to work our 14:00 'one trip wonder'. The engine arrived on time at 13:20 and we duly took over from the morning crew at the water column. Tender topped up, we ran round via Platform 1 to reach our waiting stock in Platform 2. Once coupled on with lamps changed, the engine simmered quietly whilst we awaited departure time. John meanwhile entertained visitors to the footplate...
As departure time neared I began making up my fire. The tender was piled high with coal and there were some good sized lumps in there. It was a different kettle of fish from the Welsh I'd fired 73156 on only a fortnight before. This stuff was larger and was definitely from a Russian seam of some description. It was initially slow to start but throughout the run it proved to be a reliable fuel which burnt away to nothing and left no clinker. Leaving Loughborough on time, we called at Quorn before coming to a stand at Rothley to await the token for the single line section to Leicester. The northbound "South Yorkshireman" diner soon passed us by, hauled by the 9F 92214...
With the line clear, token received and starter signal pulled off, we departed following the "Right Away" from the Guard. The Standard 5 romped on towards Leicester where we came to a stand before I went between to uncouple us. With a few minutes to spare, more passengers visited the footplate whilst I took a break in the shade. It's always nice to see people taking a keen interest in the engine...
Despite us only having one trip to do today, John kindly let me run the engine around, resulting in my first drive of 73156: thanks John! John then made up my fire for the northbound departure whilst I buffered us onto the train. Returning to base via the calling stations, we were soon back on shed on No1 road at Loughborough. The evening crew would soon arrive to take the Standard 5 over ready to work two round trips this evening on the Chippy special. The engine was already wearing the headboard for the train as we prepared to leave her this evening...
This one was certainly a short and sweet turn...we didn't even have to fully dispose her! The fire was run down nicely and the smokebox and ashpan emptied before the evening crew came in. The engine was then left to simmer with 200psi on the clock and a good water level whilst she awaited her 18:00 off shed time for tonight's workings. The 9F would also be out tonight, hauling the "Charnwood Forester" diner. Thanks John for a very pleasant trip on 73156 once again. I wonder if it'll be 73156 again for my next turn on August 27th? We'll see! Cheers all for now...
Please note any views or opinions expressed in this blog are merely personal and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person, group or organisation.

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